Waterproofing Damp Environments such as Bathrooms, Kitchens and Toilets after the Application of Cer


Waterproofing Damp Environments such as Bathrooms, Kitchens and Toilets after the Application of Ceramic Coating
 If a damp environment is coated with ceramics before any waterproofing application, or if the application has been deteriorated in time for some reason, in the case of any water leakage to the storeys below (Figure 3) the insulation can be made by using Emulzer Latex and Izo Balkon.

Firstly, the joint filler between the coatings must be cleared out, and the joints must be refilled with the joint filler prepared by mixing Emulzer Latex with water. When the joint filler is completely dry, Izo Balkon can be applied into the joints. This can be done with a thin brush. The overflowed or smeared material must be wiped off with a damp cloth before it dries up. Otherwise Izo Balkon may cause a slightly matte look on brilliant surfaces.

Latex provides an elastic and waterproof filling, and Izo Balkon completes the insulation with a water-repellent effect.